The listings below represent the services of those men and women who have given their lives in the line of duty as a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical technician. Our Fallen Heroes also include military personnel who died in active service, including members of the Coast Guard, or Army Reserve.
A hero is someone who does what he or she can, despite the personal cost, when it needs to be done. Our Fallen Heroes put themselves in harm's way while protecting and serving a community, and paid the ultimate price. We are honored to be entrusted with their memory.
In this way we know that we help you to remember the courage of those who put their lives on the line defending life, liberty, and the property of others.
If the person you are looking for is not here, please enter the name of the deceased or the next of kin in the search box below and click search. You may also view current and past listings to find the name of your Fallen Hero. Names are listed alphabetically.
Joseph Gervasi
August 24, 1926 - - September 18, 2020
Joseph Anthony Gervasi JR. 8/24/1926 - 9/18/2020 Joe was born on E. 116th St. in NYC In August of 1926 to Joseph Anthony Sr. And Pasqualina Lena Manzella. Predeceased by his older brother Vincent and younger sister Margaret Patric. Married for 52 years to the love of his life Katherine Huvane, who passed and has been waiting for him since 2004. Beloved father of Donna Fletch ...
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